During your visit bring a list of medications with dosage that you are currently taking (including supplements) and results of any related medical or laboratory tests.
In cases of emergency, call 911. If a non-emergent situation arises during office hours, please call the office at 650 695 6421. After hours and on weekends call the office and leave a voicemail.
Office visits are by appointment only. If you can’t keep an appointment, please let us know ahead of time. Despite schedules, Dr. Jo may be called to an emergency, which could lead to a last minute delay or cancellation. If this happens, we apologize in advance and we will try our best to arrange your appointment.
Your medical records are completely confidential. Please note that I try to keep your primary care doctor informed of any changes in your management. Please do not hesitate to ask for copies of your laboratory studies or any other information if you wish to keep a file for your records.
Our office accepts most health insurance plans. Please bring your insurance cards during your appointment.

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